شركة صافر لعمليات الإستكشاف والإنتاج

COVID-19 SEPOC Procedure


Safer Exploration and Production Operations, SEPOC is keen on the safety and health of its employees and has a commitments to provide all medical care employees and their family inside and outside the facilities.
Accordingly, the medical committee has taken a number of measures and procedures to ensure that the facilities are free of the COVID-19 , as well as to prevent the virus from entering the facilities.
SEPOC Medical Center has a Lab under the supervision of a specialized medical team led by Dr. Jamal Harhara.

Precautionary measures:

• Evacuating the elderly and the chronically ill in order to ensure their safety.
• It has ensured that all employees were vacant in the company’s sites, and continuous communicating with employees in all governorates to ensure no COVID-19case recorded.

• The number of employees inside the facilities has been reduced to the minimum power which can keep the continuation of oil and gaz production.     
• The medical committee has been put on full alert for all possible emergencies.

• Entry and Exit to and from the CAMP is prohibited, except under the supervision of the Medical and Security

• Providing protection and prevention tools for employees and their families.

• Sterilization is done in all services and residential facilities in addition to the labor offices on a daily basis to ensure that there are no pathogens any disease.

• Staff is examined upon entry and exit to and from sites to ensure that they are free of suspected illness, a signed and sealed permit is given to employee on emergency.

• An isolated quarantine system was provided for the employees before entering the facilities, to ensure that they are 100% free of the COVID-19.

• The emergency committee chaired by the EGM, DEGM and departments managers in the event of a permanent meeting to follow up the health situation and put strict controls to protect employees and facilities.

• In coordination with the company Top Management, employees are allowed ,using a very safe procedure, to travel to Sana’a, Taiz, Hodaida and return to the SEPOC site in order to continue oil and gaz operations and production in order to serve the country and the citizen, maintain oil and gas production the main pillar of the country.

• This way, the Safer Company asserts that it fulfills its national duty and continues the oil and gas operations, to cover the local market as a contribution to alleviate the pain of the Yemeni citizen