Refinery comprehensive maintenance
With the support of the local council of the province of Marib represented by the Major General Sheikh Sultan bin Ali Mbkhut Al-Arada and the General Administration of Safer Company under the direct supervision of the General Executive Director Eng. Salem Mohammed Kaiti
In implementation of the planned shutdown for maintenance and restoring the production capacity of the refinery, the refinery was stopped on 14th, November 2018 for comprehensive maintenance, inspection and replacement of obsolete machinery and installation of the new catalyst,
Safer goal was to execute of an effective maintenance program represents a key factor for reducing costs while keeping reliable equipment and system.
A shutdown in Marib refinery affected production of diesel and gasoline, but the maintenance activities were a must to aim to obtain the continuity of the productive process, restoring it’s working conditions through the intervention on its components with the aim of increasing the energetic efficiency, guarantee an homogenous functioning and the integrity of the security system, limit the wear to increase the service life.
A maintenance process involved to carry out a check and inspection for the critical equipment that is not possible to isolate during the normal functioning of the plant, and those that have shown problems or need a periodical inspection,
It’s worth highlighted that not only planned jobs have been completed effectively but many important jobs came at last moment which also completed within this shutdown period.
All maintenance and inspection jobs were completed within (24) days duration.